Short Bio

It’s never too late to fulfill your dream!
Singer and song writer Frank Terzo has been a “student” of Rock music, crafting and playing
original and rich music compositions that inspire and enthrall fans of the genre for a
significant amount of time now.
At the age of 8, Frank Terzo got into music, playing the guitar to Chuck Berry’s version of “My
Ding-a-Ling”, and later the Beatles’ “I’ve Just Seen a Face” and the Who’s “Squeeze Box” single.
Honing his skills and talents, Terzo continued to embrace the importance and impact of
traditional folk music and the way it influenced him. Growing and developing his style, Terzo
has today written more than 200 songs, most of which he only presented to his family and
Struggling with some personal issues, Terzo had a challenging phase from 1999 to 2005. Re-
discovering his passion and skills of music, he recorded his first singles in a home-studio.
Recently he decided to formally pursue his music through a studio where he teamed up with
Steve Sherman of Steve Sherman Productions in Toronto. Backing his vocals, Terzo is
assisted by Clea McCaffrey.
Creating stunning Progressive Rock and Rock compositions, Frank Terzo is inspired by his
uncles Sebastian and Joe Agnello, who are both local Canadian musicians. The budding
sensation singer and song writer hopes to use his musical compositions to highlight important
issues and challenges and survival in the face of defeat.
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